Ryan Walters



“When Joshua was near the town of Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with sword in hand. Joshua went up to him and demanded, ‘Are you friend or foe?’ ‘Neither one’, he replied. ‘I am the commander of the Lord’s army’.”

-Joshua 5:13-14

            You know that ‘American Dream’ based phrase, “Live life to the fullest”? Do you ever sit and ponder the way that our modern day culture interprets that particular expression? I can’t help but think it insinuates this idea of “living for ourselves”- taking life day by day serving our own desires. Some ‘good-natured’ people would say that sounds selfish and does not describe them whatsoever. They defend themselves with statements such as, “I live to provide for my family or support my friends or community”. Hmm. Tough one I admit but take a look at Matthew 10:37; 39:

“If you love your father or mother more than you love me, you are not worthy of being mine; or if you love your son or daughter more than me, you are not worthy of being mine. If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for me, you will find it.”

            Now, Christianity seems to be getting sucked in to this worldly version of my ‘blog title’ expression. And when this happens, we’re left with the result of the theme of 98.6 Too Cold: lukewarm Christianity. Sadly enough that is what leads to Christians who cling to their life as referred to in the verse above. So what is the correct, Biblically-sound interpretation of the phrase “Live Life To The Fullest” for a Christ-follower to adhere to? I believe that interpretation entails SACRIFICING our lives to God, putting the self to death (Rom. 8:12-13 “Putting to death the deeds of the body” or Gal. 2:20 “My old self has been crucified with Christ”) resulting in following and obeying Christ; hence the term “Christ-follower”.

            Perhaps, the world’s way of looking at this expression is all wrong. Perhaps, it’s just the opposite. Perhaps, living for ourselves or EVEN others only points to being the ‘emptiest’ not the fullest. Maybe seeking for love, meaning, purpose, and hope in all the wrong places (anywhere or anything besides God) is not the right path to follow and maybe it should not even be associated with the ‘American Dream’. What if Matthew 6:33 (“Seek the kingdom of God above all else”) is the route we should take? I’m sure you know somebody through the grape vine who believed a relationship, for instance, would solve all their life problems and they’d be “complete” afterwards. Check out this moving 13 minute film if you get the chance about a woman looking for love in all the wrong places.

            You’re probably wondering what my initial scripture has to do with any of this subject matter. Let me explain. As the pastor of my church mentioned this past Sunday, “Joshua’s thinking needed to be reoriented”. You see, Joshua was all wrong in his mindset. He was asking the wrong question. I like this example because with this expression ‘Live Life To The Fullest’, our culture’s way of thinking needs to be reoriented or RENEWED as Romans 12:2 says.

            Let me end by comparing the world’s perspective of ‘living life to the fullest’ and all those who have adopted this misinterpretation to the Parable of the Sower from the book of Matthew. Chapter 13, verse 22 states, “The seed that fell among the thorns represents those who hear God’s words, but all too quickly the message is crowded out by the worries of this life and the lure of wealth”. The ‘lure of wealth’ is the riches of what we see people pursuing after today. “Living life to the fullest” in this corrupt culture is seen as (often in media): having the hottest girl on campus, driving the Beemer, having the highest-paid job, getting smashed every Friday night with the ‘bros’, etc.


I visualize thorns not just as an everyday bush; I visualize thorns as a trap. You get stuck or caught in them. The devil is seeking to snare Christ followers and produce lukewarm Christians by enticing them into the riches and wealth of the world. Do not be fooled my fellow readers. The lifestyles pertaining to wealth hold no eternal value nor do they fulfill anyone. You’ll only be left with emptiness!


Ryan Walters. '98.6 Too Cold' Founder, Blogger 


“People Looking At Us Like We’re Noahzites”

 “Yes, and everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution”

-2 Timothy 3:12

 Title too creative for you? Or do you think it's just crazy? Perhaps it is a bit crazy. Perhaps it's crazy like the same 'crazy' people thought Noah was when he put together the ark. And just maybe, that is the same 'crazy' that people think Christians are today. And because people think that way, believers are often made fun of, looked at as fools or persecuted. But why are we looked at as crazy?

Why are people looking at us like we're a bunch of Noahzites?

           Perhaps because we aren't following the world's definition or idea of what's right and wrong or good and evil. We’re following God’s calling for His children which is to be set apart from the world. Christ followers are called to be living a life that makes them distinctly different from those of the world (Evidenced by the act of circumcision in the Old Testament). But the sad truth is, lukewarm Christians are starting to slowly listen to and take hold of the 'world's teachings'. They're fleeing the way of God though the book of Proverbs strongly advises not to for it states, “They rejected my advice and paid no attention when I corrected them. Therefore, they must eat the bitter fruit of living their own way, choking on their own schemes…fools are destroyed by their own complacency” (Prov. 1:30-31; 32). ONE- That statement in itself should place some level of fear of the Lord in us. God is a god of grace, mercy and love but He does not take lightly to us rejecting Him and thinking we’ll be just fine all on our own. TWO- complacency is yet another way to say ‘lukewarm’. It is those who are complacent or lukewarm who are digging themselves a hole they don't want to fall into.

           So why? Why dig that hole? Here's a few possibilities. ONE- Christians are afraid of not mixing in with the crowd. They may be ashamed of being different or ‘set apart’; the exact opposite of what Christ followers are called to be- UNASHAMED (Rom. 1:16 which just so happens to be the theme verse of current Christian Hip Hop & Rap). Nobody likes standing out. But God says the choosing to  follow the crowd or not take a stand for Christ against the crowd is basically denying Him which will end up with us being denied by Christ to the Father in heaven (Matt. 10:33). Two- Christians are surrounded by a lukewarm environment that's seeking to swallow anybody it can get its hands on. The pressure builds and Christians cave. Three- We're all being fed a monstrous and dangerous lie. A lie from the father of lies himself. A lie that seems like it would taste so sweet, feel so refreshing, and fulfill our satisfaction. It's fed to us in such a subtle and sly way- and that's the serpent's specialty. He demonstrated this art in the Garden of Eden when speaking to Eve.

          But we have a CHOICE like Adam and Eve: give in to Satan or embrace the TRUTH of God. The truth that can set us free and break our chains! The truth that standing firm in faith even against the crowd and majority is an act of honor to the Lord who loves us abundantly and never forsakes us even if it means us looking 'crazy'. Galatians 5:1 says “Christ has truly set us free so make sure that you stay free and don’t get tied up again in slavery.” Flee being lukewarm and embrace true grace and love of the Heavenly Father who relentlessly pursues an intimate relationship with His creation: us, the Noahzites!


Ryan Walters. '98.6 Too Cold' Founder, Blogger 


“Taking Advantage: It Just Doesn’t Add Up”

“I do not treat the grace of God as meaningless. For if keeping the law could make us right with God, then there was no need for Christ to die.”

-Galatians 2:21 (NIV)

            Please let me start with a quote by Michael DiMarco, author of God Guy, The God Guy Bible & Devotions For The God Guy. He writes, “This kind of thinking goes like this: ‘I really want to do this sinful thing, and since it’s too hard to say no, I’m just gonna’ do it and then ask for forgiveness later’.”

          You know what’s funny about that statement? We as Christ-followers would probably read that aloud, chuckle and say, “Ha! Every ‘good Christian’ knows we can’t really do that.” Yet, we turn around and enter back into LUKEWARM LIFE and do just that! Our actions, whether engaging in sexual immorality or drinking excessively when pressured by our so-called ‘friends’, reflect that exact statement above! What’s worse is most of the time we are doing so without even realizing it!

          We subconsciously or consciously begin to play this game we’ve created with God where in the end, we call the shots, usually aware of our disobedience to Christ we are displaying and mind you the consequences soon to follow, and afterwards apologize to the Lord thinking we don’t deserve even a ‘slap on the wrist’. And let’s be honest, how sincere are those apologies for real? Last I checked, replaying the same behaviors over and over while being convicted consistently by the Spirit IS NOT REFLECTIVE OF A REPENTANT HEART. (And trust me, I’ve been there and not too long ago either.) If this defines where you’re at, I recommend sitting down with God having a ‘heart to heart’ consisting of an examination OF YOUR HEART. (I’m sure I’ll get around to a blog at some point discussing that process more in depth.)


My brothers & sisters in Christ: Do not fool yourselves with this highly idolized misconception by our lukewarm Christian culture for Proverbs 14:11 says:

“Fools make fun of guilt, but the godly acknowledge it and seek reconciliation.”

Now to the point I finished off with in my initial blog. Heck, let’s state it:

The human mind is an incredibly stubborn, strong-willed source that seeks to rationalize and excuse just about anything that could be a desire of the flesh or tool of Satan.

          So why do I tie this concept in with taking advantage of the Lord’s grace upon our constant sin? Because it is one of the main reasons we find ourselves often being “okay with sinning”. The longer we arrive at this place of ‘false contentment’, the more we submit to Lucifer’s lies. The more we fall to his lies, the more we will find ourselves attached to the spiritual landslide of this modern day culture. And to be blunt, no Christ-follower belongs on the side of the temporary, flesh-fulfilling world. We BELONG to our Heavenly father above and we belong to His house in Heaven for eternity after this life passes away.

          Reader- we may have never met. But guess what? Christ-follower or not, I love you. As ‘creeped’ out as you may be from that statement, let me explain. I love you because God loves you and He has sent me here with a divine purpose to love you the way He loves you though I can never come close to that level of love. Yes. This is me attempting to relay the ‘truth in love’ Larry talks about in his first blog. Again, I restate that because He loves you dearly He desires for you to be on HIS side, not on the world’s. That may sound like a war or fight between the world and God and that’s because IT IS. But eventually, like every good battle story between good and evil, one stands victorious in the end. Listen to 1 John 5:4-5 and contemplate the winning side:

“For every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith. And who can win this battle against the world? Only those who believe that Jesus is the son of God.”

          Now let me apply the verse from Galatians that got my whole impression of this particular blog ‘running on all fours’. When Christ went up on that cross, we should have learned something about the law of the Old Testament. What we should have realized is that God’s agenda with sacrificing His only begotten Son had an incredibly deeper meaning than what it appeared to be externally beyond Jesus’ death and resurrection. If B.C. life had continued with no A.D. life, people’s mindsets would have remained the same with thinking that following God’s laws and commands makes us right with Him. There’s an error in that mindset. Something had to take place to fix that common misconception.

          You see, Christ’s moment on the cross MADE A WAY (John 14:6- He is the way, truth & the life) for us to become right with God regardless of our sin which He died for. Galatians 3 builds more on the end of chapter two: “Did you receive the Holy Spirit by obeying the law of Moses? Of course not! You received the spirit because you believed the message you heard about Christ. How foolish can you be?” Oh, look. The term ‘foolish’ used again as in the Proverb I mentioned earlier. So readers, please do not be foolish in thinking you can take advantage of the Lord’s good grace and excuse your sinning to do whatever you’d like when you’d like to. If you do, think of it not just as a slap to God’s face. He sent His Son to die a brutal, and I mean a brutal death to break your chains from eternal condemnation because of your sin. For us to take advantage of the blood shed on the cross, we exceed a ‘slap on the face’. I encourage you to ponder this next time you find yourself sinning or about to sin whether or not you feel the guilt or conviction.    

          In Christian rap artist Trip Lee’s book ‘The Good Life’, he concludes his chapters with lyrics from his songs to emphasize and confirm his message throughout the book. Now I am as far away as could be from possessing a talent for ‘dishing out rhymes’ but before this blog began I attempted a few lines so to speak regarding this lukewarm generation (If you must know, I desired to be known as ‘YungWaltz’- Ask Jodel and Nate for more on that one). With that said, let me amuse you with a few.

Believers thinking it’s okay, Lower morals to a world of shame.
Culture blinded & corrupt, Once you’re in it forever stuck.
Trip says ‘we fallin’, I’d say we sink.
To the bottom with the knowledge, Of who we outta’ be.
But life ain’t a cash out, No dippin’ just when we’re low.
We think, “Oh hey, I’ll go to God. He’ll fix me when I’m broke”.
He’s not a system you can cheat, And use when it’s convenient.
Blow Him off when life’s good, Enough to say, ‘Yo beat it’.

          Aside from how corny those lines are as well as how much they do ‘not flow’, take into consideration the meaning. God’s love and grace is not part of a system we can cheat and use when it’s convenient folks. Scripture in Galatians backs that up. This is not a matter that He takes lightly I assure you. I encourage you again to pick a side, God or the world. At least contemplate it and give it some thought. Lukewarm Christians are falsely believing they can take advantage of God’s grace while serving both masters: God and flesh. Matthew 6:24 (You can’t serve two masters).     Hop off that fence because it’s one or the other.

          In all this, I have not even had the time to cover unintentional sin and premeditated sin especially in their relation to God’s grace. For the time being, focus your attention on Hebrews 10:26-31. No, really. Read it. Right now! Trust me!

Ryan Walters. '98.6 Too Cold' Founder, Blogger


Lyrics 101: The Trap Behind The Music

“Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.”

–Ephesians 4:29

          “I only listen to it for the beat, yah’ know? I only pay attention to the music, not so much the lyrics.” This is but one of many famous quotes my mouth had on repeat for many years throughout high school and my early college years. As a guy who put fourteen-hundred dollars into his car stereo, with a love for his MTX Audio dual 12’s especially, I was all about those songs with intense bass. Most of the time those songs were essentially rap and hip hop (keep in mind this was still the pre-dubstep and trap era). Sure, I wasn’t an actual fan of Jay-Z, Kanye West, Drake and others in that scene but their music sounded terrific on my system! Blaring bass out the windows to look ‘cool’ and impress others meant far more to me in my late teens than actually taking into consideration the impact of the lyrics; not only on myself but on my friends and family. (And let's not forget the content of 1 Corinthians 8 which tells us not to 'cause a weaker brother to stumble'. This passage of scripture should DEFINITELY be taken into consideration when playing your music in somebody else’s' presence.)  

 That slight conviction I got every time I heard a ‘cuss word’ or offensive, derogatory line seemed to slide in my spirit for far too long. But again, I couldn’t possibly be crossing that fine line of what’s right and what’s wrong in God’s eyes if my intentions were just to play the song for the beat, right? After all, if we as Christ-followers serve such a merciful God of grace, I’m sure He could be lenient with me for just enjoying the rattling bass and the lyrics that went in one ear and out the other (note: sarcasm). Or perhaps did those lyrics not always make it safe and sound out of my ear canal? Garbage in, garbage out? Nah. Could it be that lyrics were subconsciously holding me back from growing in my relationship with Christ? Do you feel like this just might apply to you? Have you been trying to get away with this one? Or maybe you don’t believe there is such thing as ‘cuss words’ and that some words are just somewhat more offensive than others. Well if that’s your current belief, or this story of the past Ryan sounds like where you’re at, or if you listen to the RADIO, then this message is certainly for you my friend.

 Food for thought to all the Christ-followers reading this right now: do you think if Jesus were sitting by your side as you listened to ‘Pyramids’ by Frank Ocean or ‘Ill Mind Of Hopsin V’ by Hopsin, that you wouldn’t feel the slightest bit of conviction or thoughts of “this is uncomfortable” or “I better turn this off”. Sounds like a classy ‘WWJD’ moment huh? Well, believe it or not there is a reason that abbreviation was created decades ago though it is now often laughed at as a big Christian joke of the past. I use those two songs above as examples because they were former songs on my Ipod that I loved a period of time ago. The beat is catchy in my opinion. And you know, I even tried to justify within my mind that rappers like Hopsin were making valid, literal points in the song so of course I should listen to it. Heck, I agree we shouldn’t “follow the sheep or idolize other rappers” like he says in the song. It’s evident from the song he clearly isn’t a big fan of women going out and selling their bodies to the next guy they see. Again. I have to agree. But Hopsin chooses to use many terms I don’t agree with in making his point.

 Frank Ocean has a similar purpose in his song ‘Pyramids’ of how Cleopatra went from being a woman of honor and glory to essentially a whore. My interpretation of the song is there may also be symbolism that women in culture today are being degraded and seen as objects and so on. I could not agree more and it is a matter I am rather passionate about. But Frank just goes on to discuss Cleopatra at the pyramids (strip clubs) and how afterwards she is ‘wet and warm’ like their bathwater. Now, I don’t know about you but that kind of language itself makes me feel dirty and far out of line. But rightfully so! You know why? Because we were placed here to imitate God and follow the example of Christ! (Ephesians 5:1-2). And if we were truly following the notion of Christ, I am rather positive we wouldn’t be listening to music with these lyrics whether the author were attempting to make a valid point or not!

 The ‘Hopsins’ and ‘Tech N9nes’ of this world may be men who are struggling with their thoughts of God and other spiritual matters and granted need to be reached out to and given more of the good news (example: Lecrae & Hopsin’s possible collaborative as well as Andy Mineo featuring Krizz Kaliko on “Tug Of War”); however, even that does not excuse us for choosing to listen to songs with particular language like the ones I mentioned above. Instead of filling my mind with that content I still have the greatest weapon of all: prayer. And I do pray for Hopsin in his recent ‘spiritual awakening’ that he states he recently had just as I pray for David Bazan, one of my past favorite indie rock artists struggling with his understanding of the existence of a god. However, since I substituted listening of Bazan and Tech N9ne with Phil Wickham, Loud Harp and Hillsong United, my relationship with Christ has come quite a ways and I do strongly believe there is a correlation between the two. But please note I don’t intend on sounding like stubborn Christians who just say, “He’s a lost man but hey I’ll pray for him!” In many cases, that is a passive move based on fear, ignorance and lack of interest of pursuing God’s design for us to love everyone the way Jesus would. Instead, I intend on emphasizing the need to avoid lukewarm Christianity, filling our minds with wicked things and falling into the trap that lies behind the music.

 With some of that content I just typed, I am sure many viewers exited their internet browsers. Nobody likes hearing their favorite artists discussed that way. I used to feel that way too. But we’re to make sacrifices in this life for the sake of knowing our Lord more intimately and understanding where He would have us stand on matters such as lyrics; even if that means not opening our ears to music that sends a valid message or has a ‘good beat’. But for you who decided to continue and read on, I urge you to let this message sink in. I am not here for a popularity contest. I am not here to win over the general public of the internet whatsoever. I know from 2 Timothy 2:12 that I will receive persecution and criticisms for my words but 1 Peter 4:16 reassures me it is all for the sake of God and His glory and that alone is enough of a reason for me to share this message. 

          There is a disclaimer that certainly follows with this message of mine. Everybody gets convicted from different things and if we're talking lyrics, a reader of this blog may receive a completely separate conviction or no conviction whatsoever from artists or songs I mentioned earlier. I am not stating by any means that if you're a Christ-follower you "better be convicted by these songs or else!" No, no. It is the principle I want to highlight that as Christ-followers, we can't afford to go out and settle for a life standard or behavior that is beneath what God asks of us to be. Don't give in to the lie of thinking that just because a song's message may make some valid points or has a ‘catchy beat’ it is okay to listen to. Take a look at what I said in the 'About' tab on our blog's homepage. Satan works in subtle ways! He'd like nothing more than for any of us to listen to music that is labeled 'innocent' by our culture but is the exact thing God wishes for us to avoid so we can remain on the narrow path.

    This is but a small excerpt that could branch into several topics worth more discussing. However, I don’t want to bore the audience. The end of this message defines a key concept that I will further discuss in next week’s blog:

The human mind is an incredibly stubborn, strong-willed source that seeks to rationalize and excuse just about anything that could be a desire of the flesh or tool of Satan.  

Ryan Walters. '98.6 Too Cold' Founder, Blogger



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    1. @Amien Atheist. Thank you for your interest and expressing your perspective. It is okay that you do not follow my way of thinking. I will try to explain or clear things up a bit better for you.

      I am fully aware that Hopsin, etc probably aren't trying to appease Christians. I get the vibe you think I may have been attacking artists which is not at all the case. Please keep in mind this message is aimed towards believers who may be falling into what is called lukewarm Christianity and I am encouraging them to distance themselves from listening to what God says can corrupt our hearts and relationship with Him. I welcome those who do not share my same faith to read these blogs but it is more difficult for those readers to understand the exact message I am sending because of our different beliefs.

      The Christian artists I listen to (I do not JUST listen to Christian by the way) don't only care about getting their message to Christian listeners. In fact, if anything their message is more for those who don't share the same faith or even have a faith at all.

      I believe God endorses any music that simply edifies Him no matter the genre. And again, I am not condemning music that I find vulgar. I choose not to listen to that music I find vulgar because I don't find it encouraging to my relationship with God and that conviction is between the Holy Spirit and myself. Ephesians 4:29, the verse I have for that blog supports that choice of mine.

      Yes I agree, part of growing up in this world is being exposed to so much. There is so much we cannot avoid being surrounded by on a constant basis. So we must carefully choose what we believe or don't believe in and then live based off those beliefs. This way, we can be better prepared when faced by temptations to not give into those things we believe we shouldn't be a part of.

      I don't 'delete' friends so to speak if we don't agree on the same things. I don't put myself in a small bubble of a support system that only supports what I believe. Jesus surrounded Himself around those who did not share in His purpose. And as 1 Corinthians states, I am here to imitate the character and acts of Christ so I aim to do the same. I deeply appreciate my relationships with close friends and family who don't share in my faith. Im blessed to have the privilege to speak with them and share my own testimony and beliefs just like I am doing on this blog.

      Regarding your last point about fearful thinking-
      I believe the Word of God supports critical thinking. We should not take things at face value but instead research and examine them to truly understand the best way we can. Christians for example, should not call themselves Christians because they grew up in Christian homes, attending Christian schools, etc. Thats what is called embedded theology. We're supposed to move past that way of thinking and shift into deliberative theology- challenging and questioning our faith and what/why we believe what we believe. Now there is a distinct difference between critically thinking and fearful thinking. In my faith, God says to guard my heart against things that satan can use to tear my faith down. I'd like to think I am open-minded but if I look carefully into something I realize could be used as a tool from the devil to corrupt my heart and relationship with God then I turn from it. That's not being fearful my friend, that's being what the book of Proverbs calls wise.
